Are your energy levels equal to that of a Snail on Sleeping Tablets?

I don’t know about you, but when the clocks go back and we seem to have more darkness in the day, than light, I really struggle. I don’t know why, but this is always when I seem to feel the need for a health kick. Maybe it’s natural and we all do this – Let me know if you do too?

In December I decided enough was enough and did some research into things that I could do to boost my energy levels and goodness, there is so much out there – You could spend an absolute fortune on the ‘magic potion’. But I decided that I was going to try something friends had tried along with ditching the booze, eating more healthily and exercising. Now, I am going to be honest, this wasn’t an overnight thing, I didn’t actually ditch the booze til New Year, but the rest of it was being set up as we moved towards Christmas.

Essens Elixir No. 4

For those who know me personally, you will know I have been a distributor of Essens products, but bet most of you think of it just as perfume, well no, that is just a small part of what they do. They have a whole factory that works exclusively on what they call Home Pharmacy, from vitamins and supplements to wellbeing products.

I am always a bit sceptical on these types of things, maybe it’s because my Dad was a pharmacist, I don’t know, but this Elixir No.4 has been a gamechanger for me.

So let me tell you a bit more about it. All of the ingredients are natural and this Elixir is mainly Ginseng & Orange. It tastes reasonably pleasant, and you definitely get used to it.

I have tried this on and off in December, but being busy, didn’t really stick to it, but last Monday, I pulled myself up by the bootstraps an started it for real, I am going to give it a go for 3 months. You take 5ml three times a day for seven days, then you take 10ml in am and 10ml.

As I said, started it Monday and by Thursday, I was jumping out of bed at stupid o’clock. I have so much energy and have even made the gym 4 times in the past week (this is unheard of at this time of year normally!)

See below for the benefits:

One of the other benefits of this Elixir is that it naturally supresses your appetite, so some find that they lose weight too, but certainly the snacking and reaching for the wine every night has already disappeared and we are just over a week in.

I haven’t lost weight, but folks, what I would say, is take your measurements (chest, bust, hips, waist, arms & legs) and your pictures (front, back and both sides). I may not have lost weight, but I have lost 5 1/2 inches in just over a week. What is not to like about that?

As I say, I am a distributor so this is my side hustle, but if you want to give it a go here are the details:

700ml Elixir will last you 5 weeks and it retails at £42.30, you can order direct from my website (it will ask for an email address, but neither I or Essen retain this information) or get in touch with me and I can order it for you.

I can also offer a week’s trial at £6 for 7 days worth, to get you started and see if you like it.

If you would like any further information, please get in touch.

About Jo Dunlop

I am a mum of two boys (Buddy, 13 & Bob, formerly Bob 10). I am married to G Man. I am keen on cooking and likes keep busy. I love keeping fit, I love food and wine.
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